

The Electoral Count Act: The Need for Reform

House Committee on Rules Bob Bauer August 3, 2022

Testimony before the Senate Rules Committee on Electoral Count Act Reform

Senate Committee on Rules Bob Bauer August 3, 2022

Targeted Killing and the Rule of Law: The Legal and Human Costs of 20 Years of U.S. Drone Strikes

Senate Committee on the Judiciary Stephen Pomper February 9, 2022

The Dynamic Terrorism Landscape and What it Means for America

House Committee on Homeland Security Nick Rassmussen February 2, 2022

Reclaiming Congressional War Powers

House Foreign Affairs Committee Bob Bauer March 23, 2021

Article I: Reforming the War Powers Resolution for the 21st Century

House Committee on Rules Bec Ingber March 23, 2021

Article I: Reforming the War Powers Resolution for the 21st Century

House Committee on Rules Tess Bridgeman March 23, 2021

Nomination of Brett Kavanaugh for Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court

Senate Committee on the Judiciary Bec Ingber September 7, 2018

Election Interference: Ensuring Law Enforcement Is Equipped To Target Those Seeking To Do Harm

Senate Committee on the Judiciary Ryan Goodman June 12, 2018