In the Media

/In the Media

In the Media

RCLS fellow Lisa Monaco speaks on “The World Unpacked” podcast from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace about the national and international rise of racially motivated violent extremism and explores the challenges that digital technology poses in preventing this violence

June 13th, 2019|

RCLS fellow Bob Bauer writes in The Atlantic on the frustrations of the three independent inquiries into presidential or senior-level misconduct post-Watergate and the questions that must guide future investigations in order to achieve success

June 1st, 2019|

RCLS Fellow Lisa Monaco on a recent episode of “Axios on HBO” discussed the security threat of a pandemic and the need for an internationally coordinated response

June 1st, 2019|

RCLS advisor Jon Finer writes in Foreign Affairs this month that increasingly hawkish interpretations of the lessons learned from the Iraq War have started to erode the once-conventional wisdom of a need for increased military restraint—potentially upping the risk of future conflict

May 28th, 2019|

In advance of Memorial Day, RCLS fellow Lindsay Rodman dissects the results of her organization’s recent poll of veterans about their views regarding potential war crimes pardons by President Trump, and the implications for the military justice system and the laws of war

May 24th, 2019|

RCLS fellow Bob Bauer in Just Security analyzes the White House’s claim of absolute immunity from congressional testimony for President Trump’s aides, the likelihood that such claims will stand up in court, and the potential impacts on the institution of the presidency

May 22nd, 2019|

RCLS fellow Yascha Mounk writes in The Atlantic that a recent scandal in Austria that brought down a far-right populist leader for soliciting illegal donations from a Russian billionaire may not signal a turning point in the populist wave across Europe; instead, it may “yet turn out to reveal populism’s astounding resilience.”

May 21st, 2019|

RCLS triple threat: Reiss Center senior fellows Tess Bridgeman, Rebecca Ingber and Steve Pomper write in Just Security on Iran, AG Barr’s expansive views of presidential power, and steps Congress can take to defuse the threat of war

May 21st, 2019|

RCLS Faculty Director Ryan Goodman writes in the New York Times that the Trump Administration’s attempt to block Congress from viewing the non-redacted Mueller report threatens its ability to effectively craft legislation designed to protect the U.S. from foreign influence

May 20th, 2019|

RCLS fellow and Marine Corps Reserve Judge Advocate Lindsay Rodman in Joint Force Quarterly praises lawmakers’ decision to maintain, rather than reduce, the central role of the commander in the military justice system in their latest package of reforms, writing that this will promote accountability and ensure the best outcomes for all stakeholders

May 20th, 2019|