In the Media

/In the Media

In the Media

RCLS fellow Rebecca Ingber speaks to the Christian Science Monitor about the unwillingness of career bureaucrats to act as partisans on the President’s behalf

October 17th, 2019|

RCLS student scholar Julia Brooks writes in Just Security on possible Turkish war crimes in northeast Syria and states’ obligation to prosecute grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions

October 15th, 2019|

RCLS fellow Yascha Mounk writes in The Atlantic that recent Polish elections demonstrate populism’s tightening grip on the country—and notes that the effects will be felt throughout the EU

October 14th, 2019|

RCLS faculty director Ryan Goodman spoke with the New York Times about possible pathways forward for the House impeachment inquiry in the face of White House resistance to congressional oversight

October 11th, 2019|

RCLS fellow Tess Bridgeman in Just Security analyzes issues with the White House Counsel’s letter refusing to cooperate with congressional requests for information in the impeachment inquiry

October 9th, 2019|

As Polish elections approach, RCLS fellow Yascha Mounk writes in The Atlantic about the erosion of the country’s democratic institutions under the rule of its populist government

October 9th, 2019|

Five RCLS affiliates signed an open letter by national security officials supporting the protection of the whistleblower from retaliation and explaining how whistleblowers make the country safer

October 8th, 2019|

RCLS faculty director Ryan Goodman offers a comprehensive annotation of the Ukrainegate whistleblower’s complaint, finding its claims are overwhelmingly confirmed by external sources

October 7th, 2019|

RCLS fellow Nicholas Rasmussen spoke on MSNBC about how the nature of the Ukraine scandal and impeachment inquiry will undermine the effectiveness of the President and Secretary of State in addressing foreign policy and national security challenges

October 2nd, 2019|

RCLS Senior Fellow and Visiting Scholar Tess Bridgeman appeared on MSNBC to discuss the restriction of access to some of President Trump’s conversations with foreign leaders through their unusual placement on a highly classified system

October 1st, 2019|