In the Media

/In the Media

In the Media

RCLS fellow Yascha Mounk discusses Liberal democracy in Eastern Europe facing a new wave of authoritarian challengers in The Wall Street Journal

November 8th, 2019|

RCLS fellow Rebecca Ingber spoke to U.S. News & World Report about the role of career government officials, arguing they can help “guide [the government] and keep it in check.”

November 6th, 2019|

RCLS fellow Yascha Mounk on KCRW Los Angeles discussed the implications of impeachable acts by the president, describing “a deep democratic crisis”

November 6th, 2019|

RCLS fellow Bob Bauer wrote on congressional Republicans’ strategy of focusing on the President’s due process rights in the impeachment process—and that strategy’s limitations

November 5th, 2019|

RCLS advisor Jon Finer wrote in the New York Times that Congress should expedite the resettlement of Syrian partners following the recent US withdrawal

November 1st, 2019|

RCLS fellow Nicholas Rasmussen spoke on MSNBC, noting that “taking out a single terrorist leader can have an important effect, but [is unlikely] to be decisive unless those operations can be sustained,” and expressed concern about withdrawal from Syria

October 31st, 2019|

RCLS Faculty Director Ryan Goodman quoted in the Washington Post on the legal limitations around securing Syria’s oil fields

October 28th, 2019|

RCLS fellow Lisa Monaco speaks to CNN following the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, noting that while an achievement for the US national security community, the ideology of ISIS “does not die with Baghdadi”

October 28th, 2019|

RCLS fellow Stephen Pomper quoted in Politico on the increased risk to civilians following U.S. withdrawal from Syria

October 22nd, 2019|

RCLS Student Scholar Julia Brooks writes in Just Security that the U.S. should prosecute the ISIL “Beatles” in domestic court–but that the statutes they are charged under may vary

October 22nd, 2019|