In the Media

/In the Media

In the Media

In Foreign Affairs, Senior Fellow Michael Hanna and Peter Salisbury discussed possible paths towards resolution for the conflict in Yemen and emphasized the war’s “complex, multiparty nature.”

August 19th, 2021|

In an analysis of the Biden administration’s approach to Afghanistan, Senior Fellow Stephen Pomper spoke to The Washington Post on the difficulty of promoting human rights through military intervention.

August 19th, 2021|

In Just Security, Faculty Co-Director Ryan Goodman and Senior Fellow Tess Bridgeman discuss the legal framework for recognition of foreign governments and present four options regarding recognition or non-recognition of the Taliban in Afghanistan.

August 17th, 2021|

Faculty Co-Director Ryan Goodman and co-author Justin Hendrix provide context in Just Security for a new GAO report on the lack of extra protections at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th.

August 10th, 2021|

In The Hill, Faculty Co-Director Ryan Goodman discusses evidence, witnesses, and other considerations for the January 6th House Select Committee as it continues its investigations.

August 6th, 2021|

Senior Fellow Michael Hanna speaks to POLITICO about the U.S.-Egypt relationship as the Biden administration deliberates over sending aid.

July 27th, 2021|

Faculty Co-Director Ryan Goodman and co-author Juilee Shivalkar compile a new resource at Just Security tracking former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows’s involvement in efforts to undermine the 2020 election.

July 26th, 2021|

Faculty Co-Director Ryan Goodman, Barbara McQuade and Joyce Vance provide a list of questions, topics and other evidence for the January 6th Select Committee to consider as it begins public hearings.

July 26th, 2021|

In Just Security, Faculty Co-Director Ryan Goodman analyzes the doctrinal and policy issues at stake in the Biden administration’s brief on Guantanamo detainees’ due process rights.

July 12th, 2021|

Faculty Co-Director Ryan Goodman interviews Distinguished Senior Fellow Andrew Weissmann in Just Security about the indictment of Allen Weisselberg and two Trump organizations, the signals sent by the indictment, and possible next steps for investigators.

July 9th, 2021|