In the Media

/In the Media

In the Media

Senior Fellow Tess Bridgeman and co-author Brianna Rosen evaluate the legal justifications and policy objectives for U.S. military involvement in Syria as part of Just Security’s “Still at War” series.

May 2nd, 2022|

Trevor Morrison, Dean of NYU School of Law and Faculty Co-Director of the Reiss Center, was honored with the dedication of the 79th Volume of the NYU Annual Survey of American Law.

April 26th, 2022|

Faculty Co-Director Ryan Goodman spoke with The Washington Post about the potential impact of war crimes indictments for Russian officials.

April 26th, 2022|

Senior Fellow Brian Finucane and other national security law experts discussed the war in Ukraine, war crimes and accountability, and the future of national security law in a Lawfare Live event.

April 25th, 2022|

Faculty Co-Director Ryan Goodman and RCLS Student Scholar Antara Joardar compile statements from Republican lawmakers supporting the International Criminal Court’s jurisdiction over alleged Russian war crimes in Ukraine.

April 13th, 2022|

Senior Fellow Brian Finucane examines the risks and war powers implications of the U.S. presence in the Sahel for Just Security’s “Still at War” series. 

April 8th, 2022|

Faculty Co-Director Ryan Goodman spoke with CNN about war crimes, aggression, and accountability in Russia’s war against Ukraine.  

April 6th, 2022|

Distinguished Senior Fellow Bob Bauer and co-authors Benjamin Ginsberg and David Becker deconstruct arguments in favor of “de-certifying” the 2020 presidential election, warning that officeholders who promote stolen election claims pose a risk to future election integrity.

April 4th, 2022|

Senior Fellow Brian Finucane argues in The New York Times with Olga Oliker that imposing a no-fly zone over Ukraine carries enormous risks, and better tools are available to limit civilian casualties in the war.

March 28th, 2022|

Faculty Co-Director Ryan Goodman explains to the Associated Press that prosecutors could use patterns of Russian attacks on medical facilities as evidence of war crimes.

March 28th, 2022|