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Cyber-security Discussion with Dr. Thomas Rid
September 15, 2013 - September 16, 2013
The Center on Law and Security was pleased to host Thomas Rid, author of the new book Cyber War Will Not Take Place on September 16, 2013. Dr. Rid discussed issues revolving around how best to understand the threat picture in cyber-space, and whether or not “cyber war” is the best framework. His book argues that sabotage, espionage, and subversion are better ways to understand the predominant cyber-security threats. Rid offers a new perspective on traditional cyber discussions that will facilitate a more nuanced debate on cyber-security concerns.
About the Speaker
Thomas Rid is a Reader in the War Studies Department at Kings College, London, and is one of Europe’s foremost thinkers on issues of cyber-security and conflict, terrorism, new technologies and irregular conflict, and military strategy.