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  • Valerie Caproni, General Counsel, FBI
  • Bryan Cunningham, homeland security consultant, Morgan & Cunningham, LLC
  • Bart Gellman, Fellow, Center on Law and Security and special projects reporter for the Washington Post
  • Jeff Jonas, Distinguished Engineer and Chief Scientist, IBM
  • Robert O’Harrow, author of No Place to Hide
  • Declan McCullagh, Chief Political Correspondent, CNET
  • Burt Neuborne, NYU School of Law
  • Stephen Schulhofer, NYU School of Law 



    9:15 a.m.Introduction and Opening Remarks

    9:30 a.m.
    I. Privacy: Then & Now
    Speakers: Valerie Caproni, Geoffrey Stone, Robert O’Harrow
    Moderator: Burt Neuborne

    10:45 a.m.
    II. Citizens Surveilled: FISA, The Patriot Act and Today’s Telecommunications
    Speakers: Bryan Cunningham, Stephen Schulhofer
    Moderator: Matthew Waxman

    12:00 p.m. Lunch Break

    1:00 p.m.
    III. Reins of Power: From Wall Street to Washington DC and the Global Information Network
    Speakers: Bart Gellman, Jeff Jonas, Vivian Maese, Declan McCullagh
    Moderator: Karen J. Greenberg

    2:30 p.m.
    IV. Public, Private, and Political Dangers
    Speakers: Todd Gitlin, Lawrence Wright
    Moderator: Stephen Holmes

    3:45 p.m. Closing Remarks